Who we are
Our inclusive, friendly service can help you lose weight and reduce your BMI. The service offers access to clinicians and exercise professionals with expertise in weight management. Our multi-disciplinary team offers a range of group and one-to-one interventions to support your weight management journey.
Our team consists of:
- Registered dietitians
- Psychotherapist with specialism in emotional eating
- Consultant Weight Management Specialist with an interest in bariatric surgery
- Senior Health Advisor – Exercise Referral Specialists
- Exercise Physiologists (for the bariatric pathway)
- Exercise Facilitator and Personal Trainer
- Dietetic Assistant
- Multi-disciplinary team (MDT) co-ordinator
What we do
The team will work with you to help you achieve a healthier weight and devise a personalised action plan, which may include:
- Behaviour change advice to improve your relationship with food
- Exercise prescription advice and goal setting support from an Exercise Referral Specialist
- Exercise sessions with a qualified instructor and Personal Trainer
- Nutritional education sessions (including talks on food labelling, meal planning, healthy snack swaps etc)
- Three monthly one-to-one review with a Dietitian
- Access to a Psychotherapist for therapeutic intervention, if appropriate
Anyone wishing to pursue bariatric surgery: providing all criteria has been met, you may be transferred to the bariatric pathway for assessment to access surgery and continued support with healthy lifestyle changes.
Criteria for the bariatric pathway includes:
- Full engagement with the Weight Management Service for 6-12 months (dependent on BMI)
- 5% weight loss
Physical activity and exercise