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Starting with: 'D'
Dental Service
Our Specialised Dental Service is for patients whose needs means they find it difficult to access treatment with a General Dental Practitioner.
Diabetes Smart
Diabetes Smart is a free course to support local people living with type 1 and 2 diabetes. The free course is facilitated by our trained professionals.
Dietetics Service (Adult)
The Adult Dietetic Service is a team of health care professionals who are trained to provide advice and counselling about diet, food and nutrition.
Dietetics Service (Children)
Our Children’s Dietetic Service is a specialist service supporting children and young people aged 0-19 who have faltering growth or complex feeding difficulties.
Discharge and Liaison
The Discharge and Liaison Team support the effective, safe and timely transfer of patients who require community nursing care after they leave hospital.
DVT and Anticoagulation Service
Our Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)/anticoagulation service is a community-based, nurse-led, DVT assessment and treatment service for mobile and immobile patients.