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ChatHealth is a new text messaging service for young people across Cheshire East, St Helens and Wirral.
Dietetics Service (Children)
Our Children’s Dietetic Service is a specialist service supporting children and young people aged 0-19 who have faltering growth or complex feeding difficulties.
Family Nurse Partnership Wirral and Cheshire East
Family Nurse Partnership is a home visiting programme for first-time young mums and families.
Fit Club
Fit Club is a children’s weight management programme for local children who are above a healthy weight, have been referred from the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) or are in the 98th percentile or above.
Health Visiting (Wirral)
Providing support to local parents and families of pre-school children
Henry Course – Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour
Free online support sessions for parents and carers of school age children (5-11 year olds).
HomeFirst Service – Community Integrated Response Team
Supporting people to return home after a stay in hospital.
Let’s Talk
Wirral’s NHS risk and resilience service for young people.