Our 0-19 Health and Wellbeing Service provides a wealth of support for young families across Wirral and Cheshire East. Support begins during pregnancy and continues until your child reaches the age of 19.
Our service includes:
- Health Visiting
- Infant Feeding
- Family Nurse Partnership (FNP)
- School Nursing
- Immunisation and screening
- Fit Club (Weight Management Service for children and young people in Wirral)
Our team provides:
- support from our health visiting and family nurse partnership team
- regular health reviews at key points during your child’s development
- infant feeding support
- support to manage minor illnesses and prevent accidents
- school nursing and immunisations
- health and wellbeing support for primary and secondary schools
- support for young carers
For more information about available support in Wirral visit the Wirral 0-19 Health and Wellbeing Service page.
For more information about available support in Cheshire East visit the Cheshire East 0-19 Health and Wellbeing Service page.