Sugar is bad for our health, especially our teeth. Replace sugary snacks with healthier choices. Download the Change4Life Food Scanner app to discover what’s in your food and drink – Healthier Families – Home – NHS

Visiting the dentist is important, so take your kids regularly. And don’t forget it’s free for pregnant women and everyone up to 18.

Brush twice a day, once before bed and once at any other time. Ask your dentist for more top tips.

Good oral health saves kids from painful toothache and gives them the confidence to keep smiling. So it’s important you start brushing as soon as that first tooth arrives. Ask your dentist for more top tips.

When we brush, our toothpaste builds a protective layer of fluoride around our teeth. If you rinse your mouth with water, you wash it all away. Spitting will do just fine. Ask your dentist for more top tips.

Fluoride is great for our teeth, but little mouths need less of it. For kids under three, use just a smear. For ages three – six, a pea sized amount will do. Ask your dentist for more top tips.

Too much sugar is bad for kids. Here are the maximum daily amounts of sugar your children should be having.