Understanding child development and reviews in the Early Years
Every child is different and children do not grow and develop at the same rate. However, as parents and carers it can be useful to know what to expect in your child’s early years before they reach school age and how you can support their development.
Children’s physical, personal, social, emotional, communication and language development is the most rapid in their first 5 years of life. They learn through playing, exploring, being active, creative and being asked questions to help their thinking and problem solving skills. As parents and carers you are their first teachers and role models, which is a very important, often rewarding, and sometimes challenging job.
Our team, which for the early years includes Health Visitors, Public Health Nurses, Associate Nurses and Children’s Health Promotion Advisors, will invite you to developmental reviews as part of the national Healthy Child Programme. At 9-12 months and 24-29 months you will be asked to complete an Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) and attend an appointment to review your child’s development. This will support your understanding of your child’s development, and identify areas where you can further support them, or areas where a referral to other support can be made.
Guidance to your child’s learning and development in the early years foundation stage – evidence-based guidance on what to expect regarding your children’s learning and development up until age 5, and how to support this.