The Community Nurse Service accepts referrals for housebound patients, or those who have great difficulty in accessing other health care environments (eg GP Practice, Walk-in Centre). Patients have to be over 18 years of age and have an identified nursing need that requires care or advice from a registered nurse.
The service provides patients with:
- nursing assessments
- care planning and delivery
As well as providing direct patient care, the service has a teaching and support role. The team works with:
- patients to enable them to care for themselves
- family members / carers to teach them how to give care to loved ones
A community nurse visit will be scheduled depending on your individual care needs and may not be at a set time/day.
The team helps people remain as independent as possible, maintaining comfort and dignity. The service includes more than 380 staff, including registered and non-registered nurses.
Community nurses care for patients with a wide range of health problems, from wound care to those with complex or long-term health problems, including end-of-life care.
The team works closely with Wirral GPs, social care, other health professionals, the voluntary sector, patients and carers. By working together, the team ensures patients have all of the care, help and support they need.
What to expect
Nursing staff will:
- assess what your health needs are and agree your plan of care with you. They may refer to other services if required.
- offer advice, information and support to help you understand your condition.
- work with you to set a realistic timeframe to enable self-management and discharge from the service if appropriate.
- provide information and support for carers (including family members).
- care for patients with illnesses that can’t be cured (eg end of life care).
How to access the service
Referrals from health and care professionals
Please direct any new referrals, including for community nurses, matrons and nurse practitioners for older people, via the Single Point of Access (SPA) inbox: [email protected]
Referrals from health and care professionals should be sent using the Referral Form.
Residential and nursing homes should continue to contact the Teletriage Team to access nursing services.
All new referrals for the Community Nursing and Specialist Nursing Services will be assessed by the specialist team within the Single Point of Access Service (SPA), staffed by nurse clinicians and non-clinical call handlers.
Referrals are triaged and assessed based on the needs of the patient.
Self-referrals from members of the public
The service accepts self-referrals for anyone over the age of 18 and registered with a Wirral GP.
You can refer yourself or be referred by anyone who thinks you may require our care and support.
All referrals must meet the above criteria, eg people who are housebound or deemed to need nursing care delivered at home.
To make a self-referral or to refer a relative (who is registered with a Wirral GP) please call
0151 514 2222 (option 1)
If you are already receiving care from a Community Nurse Team, please contact the team direct. You will have received a contact telephone number from your community nurse.
Team details
Community Nurse Services are delivered by eight teams in four Wirral localities:
West Wirral
- West Kirby Team, Marine Lake Health and Wellbeing Centre, West Kirby, Wirral CH48 5AA
- The Warrens Team, The Warrens Medical Centre, Arrowe Park Road, Wirral CH49 5PL
South Wirral
- South Wirral Team, Eastham Clinic, Eastham Rake, Wirral, CH62 9AN
- Claughton Team, St Catherine’s Health Centre, Birkenhead, CH42 0LQ
- St Catherine’s Team, St Catherine’s Health Centre, Birkenhead, CH42 0LQ
- New Brighton Team, Victoria Central Health Centre, Mill Lane, Wallasey CH44 5UF
- Pasture Rd Team, Moreton Community Clinic, Pasture Road, Moreton CH46 8SA
- Liscard Team, Victoria Central Health Centre, Mill Lane, Wallasey CH44 5UF