We have put together some information that we think you may find useful when introducing your baby to solid foods.
Contact details and information on the service provided by the Cheshire East 0-19+ Health Visiting Team:
You can view all 0-19+ Cheshire East services.
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Weaning support:
Your baby will be ready for weaning onto solid foods when they are around 6 months old. Start4Life has useful videos and resources to support you through the weaning process and contains simple healthy meal ideas and recipes. Check out some of the weaning recipes videos.
First Steps Nutrition provides information on eating well for babies and new mothers. There is also a guide for eating well for vegan infants.
Find out more about vitamins for children on the NHS website.
The CATCH app is trusted source of advice for new parents. CATCH provides NHS approved information for parents particularly regarding pregnancy and children’s health. It can be personalised to your child.
Share your feedback
Let us know about your experience with the Cheshire East 0-19+ service.
We value your feedback: www.wchc.nhs.uk/your-experience/submit/