Since late 2022, the HomeFirst service run by WCHC has supported over 1000 discharges (both enhanced and therapy), providing better assessments and care options for our population, leading to a significant increase in sustainable discharges from hospital.
Performance metrics have improved particularly in relation to discharges and NC2R through partnerships and collaboration across Wirral. In the last 12 months, HomeFirst has secured a huge reduction in the number of domiciliary care packages required from 270+ to less than 20.
Working with colleagues from Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS FT and Wirral Council our aim is for anyone discharged from hospital who requires an assessment of their long-term needs will be an automatic HomeFirst candidate.
Delivered by the Community Integrated Response Team (CIRT), HomeFirst is a multidisciplinary and highly specialised team of therapists, care assistants and adult social care staff. Together they enable people to be discharged from hospital quickly and continue their recovery and rehabilitation in their own surroundings, regaining and significantly improving their ability to live as independently as possible for as long as possible.
Following hospital discharge HomeFirst provide care and support for up to 6 weeks, though typically 2-3 weeks. Assessing the long-term care needs during this period, and in the person’s own home gives the clearest picture of their reality and to live as independently as possible.
The service is a great success and now 60% of HomeFirst patients continue to live in their normal place of residence with no additional formal care. When people do need long term care, the level of that care is typically lower following HomeFirst’s person-centred assessment.
The team is currently seeing ca. 130 people per month, plus a further 40 people discharged on the Home First therapy-only pathway. Our intention is to increase capacity to in excess of 170 people per month in addition to our therapy-only patients.
Representatives from WCHC were invited to present the HomeFirst Service at NHS Northwest’s Winter Event 2023 and shared its continued success with over 300 colleagues from across the region. We shared key learnings, case studies and our data led approach to improving outcomes for patients.
Please feel free to contact us if you wish to learn more about this service and how we use triangulated data to inform our decision making, but most of all how, by bringing the professionals together (the CIRT Team) from across the system, we have significantly improved our service offer for the people of Wirral.
“My wife’s improvement has been astonishing. I cannot praise the service enough…
I look forward to further visits and continual improvement. Thank you so much for offering the service.”
“After my fall I didn’t think I’d get my confidence back but the staff in Home First have helped be gain strength, showed me news ways of doing things and helped me build my resilience. I cannot thank them enough.”
The service operates 7 days a week, 8.00am – 7.30pm.
For more information about the HomeFirst Service please visit the HomeFirst webpage