With NHS governor elections about to launch in Wirral, local resident and Lead Governor, Lynn Collins shares why being a public governor for her local community NHS Trust means so much to her, the difference she makes to the future of health services in Wirral and why she’s encouraging other local people to come forward.
Lynn became an NHS governor seven years ago for Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (WCHC). In this vital role, Lynn represents the interests of local residents, ensuring their voices are heard in the governance and development of healthcare services.
Public Governors collaborate closely with the NHS Foundation Trust’s Board of Directors, working to influence decision-making, improve patient services, and shape the future of healthcare in the local area.
Sharing her experience, Lynn said: “To walk in as a governor, into the boardroom, hear about everything that’s going on, and have your say from the patients’ point of view is incredibly rewarding.
“It’s about influencing and that’s the part I love. I come in and tell the Board what it’s like for the patients on the outside, whether they’re receiving fantastic care or if something isn’t quite working. It’s that influence, that opportunity to help shape things, that gives me a real buzz. Coming up with ideas and being part of a Trust I’m proud of is something special. And I definitely feel listened to.”

Lynn also encourages others to consider becoming a Public Governor, no matter their background.
“I think what puts people off is people think you need an NHS background, but you don’t. You just need to be enthusiastic. The real hook is for people who use the services or know others who do and have experienced what the services are like.
“Whether you’ve had excellent service or something not so great, becoming a governor gives you the chance to make a difference. Don’t sit back and moan about it, come and help shape it. And for anyone who thinks it’s a tick-box exercise, they’re not looking at it properly. This is real engagement, and your voice will be listened to.”
WCHC Governor elections launch on Tuesday 8 October with the nomination period running till Wednesday 23 October giving people the chance to put their name forward. There are nine seats available and if you’re interested please visit https://www.wchc.nhs.uk/about/board-governors/apply/ for more information.
You can also chat to our friendly team on Monday 21 October to find out more about becoming a Public Governor at Team WCHC:
9.00am – 12noon, Victoria Central Health Centre, Mill Lane, Wallasey CH44 5UF (main foyer, ground floor)
1.30pm – 3.30pm, St Catherine’s Health Centre, Derby Road, Birkenhead CH42 0LQ (atrium)
If you can’t make the face to face drop in sessions don’t worry, you can attend the virtual session on MS Teams:
- Monday 21 October – 6.30pm – 7.15pm
If you would like to attend the virtual session please email [email protected] and the joining link will be sent to you.