We ask you to complete this chart so we can tell how your child’s bladder is behaving and how much they are drinking.
If your child is wetting at night, but has a small bladder in the day, we would put in place a different treatment plan to a child with a good bladder capacity.
The Frequency Volume Chart is to be completed over two consecutive days. Download the chart to complete. You can type into the chart and save or print it.
If your child is at school Monday to Friday, please complete the Frequency Volume Chart over a weekend near to your next clinic appointment.
A plastic jug will be needed for your child to pass urine into in order that the volumes can be measured.
Filling in the chart
Every time your child has a drink, record against the time and what kind of drink it is, for example orange juice and how much they drank in mls:
Please use the measures below to estimate how much they drank:

- Each time they pass urine they will need to urinate into the jug. This is so that you can measure how much urine you have passed. Write down the amount, for example 150mL, in the correct timeslot on the chart.
- Please record any dampness or wetness experienced during the day. D = Damp (damp underwear/pull up or nappy) W = Wet (wet outer clothes/full pull up or nappy) S = Soaking (puddle on floor/pull up or nappy saturated/leaked)
- If your child needed to pass urine urgently, record by entering Yes or No in the appropriate slot
- If there are any times when you are out and you cannot measure the urine, please tick to note that urine has been passed.
- The more information accurately recorded on the chart the more helpful it is to us – which will make it easier for us to decide which treatment is right to offer your child.
- Some example recordings are shown on the Frequency & Volume Chart.