Who we are
Our infant feeding team provide information, support and training to healthcare professionals to ensure a high standard of care for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers and babies.
What we do
Adopting UNICEF’s Baby Friendly Initiative, our team ensures all parents make informed decisions about feeding their babies and are supported in their chosen feeding method.
This includes:
- Raising awareness of the health and financial benefits of breastfeeding.
- Support and information about responsive feeding, including mixed feeding.
- On-going training for healthcare professionals and sharing best practice to enable them to give mothers the support, information and encouragement they need.
- Dedicated support from our team of breastfeeding support workers, including telephone calls and a face-to-face visit.
- Signposting to additional support for formula fed babies.

You can contact your local infant feeding team Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm via the Children’s Care Admin Hub on 0151 514 2666.
If a child is unwell outside of these hours, please contact your GP or NHS Direct 111. In an emergency, please dial 999.
Useful links
- www.amazingbreastmilk.nhs.uk
- www.unicef.org.uk/BabyFriendly
- First Steps Nutrition Trust
- The Breastfeeding Network
Useful videos
The infant feeding team is part of the 0-25 Health and Wellbeing Service in Knowsley.