In most cases the Qb Test is the last step of the pre-diagnostic ADHD assessment pathway
What happens after the Qb Test is completed?
Your Qb Test results will be entered on to your child’s record. The health professional will then submit your referral to paediatricians along with all other completed documentation from home and school to support an ADHD assessment. It is important to remind yourself at this stage that the Qb Test is not a stand-alone diagnosis and the results will be measured by the paediatrician against all other information gathered to aid clinical judgement.
What if my child cannot complete the Qb Test?
Do no worry if your child does not complete the Qb Test. Reasons for non-completion can vary and include stress, speed of the test, age, and communication difficulties. The Qb Test does not suit all young people and we can offer a prompt alternative assessment that will not prolong your time on the pathway. It is important that your child does not feel like they have failed for not completing the test as the Qb Test is not a suitable screening tool for all young people.
When will my child see a Paediatrician?
Once the Qb Test/alternative assessment is completed the health professional will submit your child’s referral to the Community Paediatric Department at Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, however your appointment is likely to take place in our child development offices at St Catherine’s Health Centre.
The waiting list for an appointment can vary based on current demand and area. For an update of your approximate waiting time, you can contact the Choose & Book service on 0151 604 7501.
What if my child is already under a Paediatrician?
If your child currently has a named paediatrician the Qb Test results will be sent directly to their department so they are available for any future appointments. Please inform your Qb screener of your paediatrician’s name and they will complete the table below for your information. You may want to check with your paediatrician’s department that these results have been received prior to your next appointment.
Other Important Information
Please keep our service up to date with any changes of address or contact numbers during your child’s journey on the pathway, or you may miss your paediatric appointment, and could find yourself having to restart the pathway. Please do not contact the ADHD Foundation regarding your Qb Test results. They are commissioned only to provide the parenting skills course. They will not have access to your Qb Test results. These will only be discussed with you by your named paediatrician.
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