You have been sent an appointment for physiotherapy. This might be your first appointment with our service, or you may have already been assessed by a specialist nurse.
What is pelvic physiotherapy?
This a specialist type of physiotherapy dealing with bladder and bowel problems, pelvic floor
problems, or chronic pelvic pain.
Who are the staff?
The physiotherapist working for the service is female; state registered, and has a degree in
physiotherapy. She has completed highly specialist training in assessing the pelvis and pelvic floor,
following her degree in order to work in this area.
She has access to treatments such as electrical stimulation, biofeedback and acupuncture to
complement standard treatment measures.
What should I expect at my appointment?
You will be seen in a private room away from the main department. At your first appointment questions will be asked about your problem and how it affects your life. Your assessment will last up to 60 minutes, follow up appointments will be 30 minutes.
With your permission, your therapist will likely need to assess your problem through an examination. This is likely to be an internal assessment of your pelvic floor. You will always be treated with respect and dignity. She will need to ask your permission. She will explain the risks and benefits of procedures. You can refuse examination or treatment or ask for more information before you make up your mind.
You have the right to have someone with you (a chaperone) for your appointments. We can provide
a chaperone if this is needed. Following your assessment you and your therapist will agree a treatment plan.
It is vital to the success of your treatment to regularly attend the appointments and follow the advice and exercises. It can take up to 6 months of regular exercises to achieve results although improvements can
be seen much quicker in some cases.
We have quick and easy access to support and advice from other services such as Weight Management, Dietetics, Gynaecology, Osteopathy and Psychosexual Councillors.
What do I need to do or bring with me?
- Bring a list of pills or medicines if this is your first appointment with the service.
- You may need to undress so please dress appropriately to make this easy for you.
- Bring any leaflets you have been asked to fill in.
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