Before undertaking any procedure, staff should assess any likely exposure to blood and/or other body fluids, and wear PPE that adequately protects them.
PPE must be:
- Located close to point of use (For visits PPE must be transported in clean receptacle, in the boot of the car)
- Stored to prevent contamination within wall mounted dispensers
- Single use, unless specified by manufacturer
- Put on and remove correctly and in the correct order
- Changed immediately after each person/procedure or task
- Disposed of correctly
Hand hygiene to be undertaken prior to putting on and removing PPE (previously Donning and Doffing)
Guidance on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for non-aerosol generating procedures (APGs):
COVID-19: personal protective equipment use for non-aerosol generating procedures
Guidance on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for aerosol generating procedures (AGPs):
COVID-19: personal protective equipment use for aerosol generating procedures
COVID-19 PPE guide for adult social care services and settings
This resource outlines personal protective equipment (PPE) advice for health and social care workers working in the community:
COVID-19 PPE guide for adult social care services and settings
Putting on PPE (Donning)
Taking off PPE (Doffing)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Competency Assessment Tool
Personal Protective Equipment Competency Assessment Tool
This tool will support you to assess your staff competency in appropriate use of PPE. It is recommended that, for assurance purposes, an annual competency to assess the standard of staff techniques are carried out.
For further information:
COVID-19 PPE guide for adult social care services and settings – GOV.UK