Norovirus, also called the ‘winter vomiting bug’, is an unpleasant bug that usually lasts around 2 days and is highly contagious. However, in those who are very young, elderly or those that have weakened immune systems, it can last longer.
Symptoms are distinctive as a sudden onset of watery diarrhoea and or vomiting which can often be projectile. Other symptoms may include abdominal cramps, headaches, muscle aches and pains, high temperature and tiredness.
Norovirus can survive on surfaces for at least one week, and on refrigerated food for ten days.
Stay at home for at least 48 hours after your symptoms have resolved.
Do not visit hospitals or care homes during this infective time and try to limit your contact with other people
For further information:
Causes | Background information | Gastroenteritis | CKS | NICE