About the Enhancing Families Programme
The Enhancing Families Programme in Cheshire East runs alongside Family Nurse Partnership for families requiring additional support. It is based on the successful Incredible Years programme.
The team includes specialist nurses.
Referrals into the programme
Referrals into the programme are made via the dedicated referral form.
You can complete the online referral form or download it and email a completed version to [email protected]
All referrals will be screened at weekly team meetings with the EFP Service Lead.
It is expected that the members of the team will take a maximum of 4 new referrals each month initially, which will allow enough capacity for the more intensive antenatal visiting offered within the programme.
The criteria for the programme includes:
Vulnerable parents under 32 weeks gestation who have experienced one or more of the following concerns:
- Been through the care system
- Had an older child removed and placed in care.
- Learning or physical disabilities
- Previous or Current mental health concerns
- Previous or Current drugs and or alcohol misuse
- Previous Current concerns of domestic abuse in relationship
Experienced when they were growing up:
- Neglect, physical, emotional or sexual abuse.
- Domestic abuse
- Abandoned by a parent through separation or divorce
- Close family member having a mental illness
- Close family member been in prison
- Close family member misusing drugs and/or alcohol
As there is no parental upper age limit, and it doesn’t have to be their first baby. The programme will have a wider reach and subsequent positive impact within the borough. Clients should be less than 32 weeks gestation at the time of referral and can access the programme for up to two years. The client can also return to the 0-19+ Health and Wellbeing Service (Healthy Child provision) at any point should they complete the interventions or decline further input.
The programme is not aimed at families who are already on Child Protection plan at the time of referral. These families will be under the care of the Enhanced Health Visiting Service.
If the team receive an increase in referrals each one will be assessed and prioritised as per the pathway. When the pilot comes to an end this process will transfer so that there is a clear way of triaging clients should the referrals outweigh available places within the team.
Outcomes will be measured using the Journey of Change model and clients will be asked to identify two areas that they require support with from seven domains:
• Physical health (including accessing appointments, drugs/ alcohol use)
• Emotional health (including mental health)
• Relationships, safety, and health
• Home environment and routines
• Support networks and services
• Goals and aspirations
• Connecting with and supporting baby development
The programme’s success will require strong links and working in partnership with other agencies and services.
The 0-19+ Health and Wellbeing Service Lead will contact all service leads from partner agencies to allow for multi-agency dialogue and decision making.
Should you require additional information contact the service via:
Telephone: 0300 123 4068
Email: [email protected]