My name is Maria, and I am the Service Lead for the Long Covid Service. I am a nurse by background and have nearly 20 years’ community experience. Prior to this role I worked as a Senior Community Matron, so I have a good understanding of caring for patients with complex and long-term health conditions.
The Long Covid Service was established in 2021 as it was recognised that people were experiencing long-term effects from covid-19.
As covid-19 is a new virus we are still learning about its long-term effects and how it can impact the day to day lives of service users and their families.
Our service aims to:
- support the diagnosis of the condition.
- offer practical and tailored rehabilitation.
- signpost people to other services within the community to support their rehabilitation process.
Within my role I work closely with service users as well as developing a service that is bespoke and based on people’s needs.
Our team works in partnership with organsiation across Wirral. Recently, we have collaborated with Active Wirral (Wirral Council) to enable people to access the rehabilitation programme in local gyms.
I am constantly exploring opportunities and developing pathways with various charitable organisations and value service user feedback about how we can improve the service.